4.548.905 invitations
The number of women and men who received an invitation for breast, cervical or bowel cancer screening in 2021.
3.073.945 clients
The number of women and men who participated in breast, cervical or bowel cancer screening in 2021.
950 staff
In the Netherlands 950 staff were involved in carrying out the three cancer screening programs that took place in 2020.
32.294 diagnoses
The number of people diagnosed with cancer following the health screening program in 2021.
Breast cancer
1,198,866 invitations
In 2023, more than 1,198,866 women in the Netherlands received an invitation for the breast cancer screening programme.
842,256 participants
In 2023, 842,256 women participated in the breast cancer screening programme. This is 70.3% of all invited women.
71 screening centres
There are 71 screening centres in the Netherlands; 58 mobile and 13 permanent. The aim of the mobile screening centres is to offer the screening as close to home as possible.
Of every 1,000 women who participate in the study, 20 are referred for further examination in the hospital. The population study detected 6,315 cases of breast cancer in 2023.
Cervical cancer
1.014.507 invitations
The number of women who received an invitation in 2021 for the cervical cancer screening program.
555.515 cliënten
The number of women who participated in the cervical cancer screening program in 2021 with a smear (42,7%) or self-sampling kit (12,1%).
9,5% HPV
Of the number of women who participated in the cervical cancer screening program in 2021, HPV was found in 9,5%.
6.246 diagnoses
The number of diagnoses of (precancerous) cervical cancer in 2021. This is 1.1% of all participants.
Bowel cancer
2.312.606 invitations
The number of men and women who received an invitation in 2021 for the colon cancer screening program.
1.632.493 clients
The number of men and women who participated in the colon cancer screening program in 2021.
74.309 redirects
The number of clients who were referred to the hospital in 2021 following their participation in the colon cancer screening program. This is 4,6%.
2.790x colon cancer found
A total of 2.790 colon cancers and 16.878 advanced adenomas were found among the participants invited in 2021.