Gender diversity

On this page you will find information about participation in the population screening for cancer for transgender people and people with an X/O gender registration.

Participation of transgender people and people with a gender registration X/O

Population Screening Netherlands sends the invitations for the population screening for breast cancer, cervical cancer and bowel cancer on the basis of the data as known by the civil registry at the municipality.

All people between the ages of 55 and 75 are invited to participate in the bowel cancer screening programme, regardless of gender registration.

Transgender people and people with a gender registration X/O who, based on physical characteristics and age, are eligible for the population screening for cervical cancer (from the age of 30) and breast cancer (from the age of 50) can participate. The folder 'Your gender registration and the population screening for cancer' has been developed for this purpose. This folder contains information about participation in the population screening for cervical cancer and breast cancer for transgender people and people with an X/O gender registration.

Submit a wish to participate

Gender registration change

If you change your details at the municipality, we would like to know whether you still want to participate in the population screening for cervical cancer and/or breast cancer.

Sex registration X/O

If you are registered with the municipality with an X/O gender registration, we would like to know whether you want to participate in the population screening for cervical cancer and/or breast cancer. Click on the link below to submit your participation request.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions