The screening
Smear test
You should contact your GP surgery to make your own appointment for your smear test. Please take the invitation letter with you to the appointment. The letter contains 2 stickers with your personal details and these are needed for the screening.
A practice nurse will usually carry out the smear test. She will first ask you a few questions. You should then remove the bottom half of your clothing. The practice nurse will examine you using a special instrument: a speculum. She will place this carefully in your vagina and will then use a small brush to remove some cells from the cervix. These cells are placed in a sample vial and sent to a laboratory. The appointment will take around 10 minutes.
If you find the examination uncomfortable you should indicate this during the smear test. Your GP or practice nurse will take this into account.

Self-test kit
If you find it uncomfortable having a smear test you can request a self-test kit. You can do this via Mijn Bevolkingsonderzoek, using your DigiD. You can also contact uw by phone or e-mail. The self-test kit will be sent to your home address within 14 days.
Frequently asked questions
Can I ask for the smear test to be carried out by a woman?
In most surgeries, a female practice nurse or GP will carry out the smear test. If this is not possible at your GP surgery and you would prefer this, please contact another GP surgery. If you have any questions about this, please contact the information line. The telephone number is listed on the invitation letter.
Is the health screening for cervical cancer free?
Yes, the health screening at the general practice is free. The government considers it important that everyone can participate.
Are abnormal cells found in the smear? Then it is important to have yourself examined by the gynaecologist. The follow-up examination at the gynecologist is no longer a population screening. The costs of this are covered by your health insurance. This may have consequences for your deductible. Discuss this with your health insurer if you have any questions about this.
I noticed a little blood on the self-sampling kit when I used it. Is that bad? Can I still send it in?
The self-sampling kit cannot be used during menstruation or in case of unusual bleeding. But if there is a little blood on the self-sampling kit as a result of the sampling, that is not a problem. You can simply send in the self-sampling kit.