Mannen en vrouwen die meedoen aan de bevolkingsonderzoeken naar kanker

My screening

What is health screening?

In the Netherlands we have three cancer screening programs: breast screening, cervical screening and bowel cancer screening. Health screening is offered by the government. Participation is free and voluntary. Health screening is carried out by the health screening organisation, Bevolkingsonderzoek Nederland.

Proven effective

4.548.905 invitations

The number of women and men who received an invitation for breast, cervical or bowel cancer screening in 2021.

3.073.945 clients

The number of women and men who participated in breast, cervical or bowel cancer screening in 2021.

950 staff

In the Netherlands 950 staff were involved in carrying out the three cancer screening programs that took place in 2020.

32.294 diagnoses

The number of people diagnosed with cancer following the health screening program in 2021.

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